With years of R&D and testing, this department features environmentally friendly, cost saving practices and products. 


Green Umbrella™ Products

As a result of years of product development and market research we have worked closely with Green Umbrella™ to provide a sustainable system of products for a successful concrete project. From indoor applications in residential homes to entire schools Green Umbrella™ offers environmentally friendly products that can compliment virtually any concrete application. One of these products is Green Canvas.

Simply put, Green Canvas is a cost and resource saving asset. Added directly into the concrete mix. GreenCanvas Expansive Component – Is a specialty concrete component classied by type based on the chemical mechanism used to obtain expansion in the concrete matrix during the curing process. Structure design, concrete mix design, and placement guidance is provided by the American Concrete Institute (ACI) document ACI 223 “Guide for the Use of Shrinkage Compensating Concrete” and compliance and quality assurance can be measured by standard ASTM tests and procedures.


In addition to Green Canvas, Green Umbrella™ has an entire line of products with the same environmentally friendly and cost saving principles. To see how much these products help you with your next project please visit, www.greenumbrellasystems.com and feel fern to Contact Us with any questions.